
Norwegenbezogene Themen, die in keine andere Kategorie passen


Beitragvon raptor666 » Sa, 17. Mai 2003, 19:22

Hallo. Ich habe eine grose Probleme. Ich habe ein Thema "was ist fiord". Das ist in mein Geographiestunde.

LoL Deutsch is so hard. Well, I have ein report "was ist fiord" on deutsch language. I've searched all the web, but i haven't found anything. Plsease, if anyone knows a web-page about this.......just write please. :) :) :) :)
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Sa, 17. Mai 2003, 16:36

Re: Help!!!

Beitragvon Andree » Sa, 17. Mai 2003, 21:17

Hei hei,
one fjord is a narrow, often and sometimes long (up to 200 km) part of the sea;
mostly named in Norway, but also in NewZealand, Alaska or Antartica;
the classical fjord might be deeper than the sea itself;
the fjords exist since the last ice-time, mountain-parts got higher, but heavy ice-masses pressed some mountain-parts below forming long and narrow valleys; at a certain time, in the west of South-Norway, the long lakes "get contact with the sea", fresh and salt water was mixed up.
puh, hopefully, you understand. :lol:
If a "fjord" is surrounded by flat countryside, for example the Swedish City Stockholm, you called it there (in German) "Schären"
Hopefully it was a help for you
Med hilsen (Norwegian)
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Registriert: Fr, 23. Aug 2002, 14:48
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Help!!!

Beitragvon snowstorm » Sa, 17. Mai 2003, 21:22

Probably you won't find anything because you have to search for the right thing... It's "fjord" not fiord. There are several countries which have fjords but Germany is not among them. Maybe you should try to get a new teacher as well?

Beiträge: 465
Registriert: Fr, 23. Aug 2002, 10:59
Wohnort: Arendal

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